Being a Part of Your Life and Commerce of the Nation
We’re “all-business, 24/7” here at Zip Xpress, and the following is a very important item of business that we need to pass along:
We are thankful and grateful for you.
Every day.
With the elections over and Thanksgiving upon us, it’s time to take a deep breath and count our blessings together.
Regardless of what your political views have been, our country and its citizens have endured quite a bit over the past year … and now it’s time for a good measure of acceptance, forgiveness, and gratitude for living our American reality together. For agreeing to disagree and getting on with life.
We are changing leaders, yes, but we will continue being the leader of the free world, no matter who is at the helm. In four years or in eight years, that leadership will change again – and we’ll keep on living and working together as the patriots we’ve always been.
As we enter our 16th year of business here at Zip Xpress, Mike and I are reflecting upon and giving thanks for the many people who have helped pull us through some big challenges along the way. We would not be where we are today without the help and hard work of many.
Heartfelt thanks go out to our dedicated and professional employees, the customers we serve every day, and the vendors whose steadfast relationships are vital to the running of this business.
And, of course, a solemn salute goes out to our dedicated “Road Pilots” driving 24/7 for this enterprise.
Safe passage always, we wish, to all of you men and women traveling millions of miles to keep the nation supplied and our industries humming. We know that yours can be a lonely and sometimes thankless job. It’s rarely fully appreciated by the public … or even by a lot of driver bosses at other companies.
Mike and I thank all of our Road Pilots and recognize them for the importance of their work and the sacrifices they make being away from home and family and friends for days at a time.
May this Thanksgiving and the coming holiday season be a special one for all of you who are part of Zip Xpress and Green Transportation, and for all of you who work with us, too.
America is a special place for many reasons, not the least of them being a we’re-all-in-this-together holiday like Thanksgiving.
No matter how turbulent things might seem to be in the moment, we can still gather as one nation in gratitude for our many blessings.