For Companies Opting for a Broker, Zip Xpress Has a Solution
We have seen the best and worst of it when it comes to brokered shipping relationships.
In recent years, lots of companies out there have stopped trying to be their own shippers and have turned over the entire process to a Third Party Logistics provider.
All fine and dandy when it works well.
But a real nightmare for the business when a 3PL fails to properly serve the client.
When it’s an easy job, a straightforward job, maybe the 3PL can get away with hiring just anyone. But hiring from the bottom of the barrel can really cause problems.
Most 3PL brokers out there admit to there being three kinds of carrier choices:
- A top-notch player in the business
- An acceptable midrange carrier
- And then the nearly fly-by-night bottom of the barrel that underbids everyone
Underbids and then woefully underperforms.
The bottom third can wreck a business relationship for the shipper company with only a few bad outings. Product that is late, damaged, completely misrouted. Even lost forever, somewhere en route. It actually happens.
Enter Zip Xpress, with an aggressive agenda for improving 3PL-related trust levels, timeliness, and damage-free delivery statistics.
There is a better way of doing this.
Zip Xpress is working hard to show manufacturers, small firms, and the 3PLs they’ve hired that the solid middle ground of carriers is where the best value is found. We are telling anyone who will listen that the known quantity of Zip Xpress
We are telling anyone who will listen that the known quality of Zip Xpress is exactly what 3PLs need.
If they just go for the bottom of the barrel carrier, just so they can keep more of the shipper’s fee, it’s an end game for them. Sooner or later, the cut-rate trucking is going to blow up in their faces.
What we’re offering at Zip is a trustworthy, high-quality service that will keep the 3PL and the client company happy for years -not just for the next load or two.
Where you spend and send your dollars really does matter, and that includes a company’s and a broker’s choice of how to get their product to market.