Some people seem like they were manufactured for a single purpose. Adam Pickworth is one of those people. His purpose?
Providing his customers with the best customer service in the LTL shipping industry.
On the surface, it is a simple goal. But when you are the new Director of Sales & Marketing at Zip Xpress, your goal suddenly becomes more complex.
You see, Zip Xpress is not merely an experienced LTL carrier that cares about its customers. Zip Xpress has built its entire company around the promise of outstanding customer service.
A Reputation for Excellence
Adam has established a reputation for his dedication to customer service over his past 20 years in the LTL shipping industry.
In this time, he’s noticed a decline in customer service standards due to the commoditization of the trucking industry.
This change has driven customers to partner with low-cost providers that seem promising initially but eventually, lead to setbacks from poor service or mishandling of inventory.
It was obvious to Adam that this trend couldn’t last.
When asked what attracted him to Zip Xpress, he responded without hesitation, “their dedication to customer service”. Knowing the owner, Dina McKnight-Dargis, and understanding her long-standing passion for customer service, Adam knows he’s with the right company.
Sustainability is Key
Adam tends to set big, yet simple, goals for himself, which helps align him with Dina’s straightforward vision for Zip Xpress. The company’s collective mission can be boiled down to one word:
Beginning with a big, simple goal allows the company to unify its efforts in one direction.
When asked what personal goals he held for the position, Adam confidently responded, “I want to achieve sustainable growth and success for my customers. Working with Zip Xpress, I know I can give them the consistency that they can build their business around”.
In Adam’s world, sustainable growth applies not only to his customers but also to the sales team here at Zip Xpress.
With big goals like these, it sounds like a busy summer for Adam. He will have to get away from work when he can, however, since his family will soon be welcoming a grandson.
Congrats to Adam on the new position and the new addition to his family!
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