Predictions indicate that robotics and automation will make a huge impression on the global workforce in 2018. Likewise, these modern trends will certainly have an impact on the manufacturing industry in Michigan. From smart machines, to smart technology, breakthroughs in science, automation, robotics and other manufacturing technologies will allow for a new era in the workforce. This new workforce, now more than ever, will include expensive, delicate, and fragile pieces of computerized machinery.
Other trends that continue to impact the nation is the movement among manufacturers and industries to Go Green. Every sustainable measure taken helps the world around us in some way. Zip Xpress prides itself on being part of the Responsible Green Manufacturing Movement by focusing and directing attention toward not only what they can do within their company to be more sustainable, but what they can do to assist your company in being more sustainable as well. Additionally, Zip Xpress is built around eliminating wasteful partial trailers; they strive to keep partial trailers off the nation’s highways and in doing so, save energy and protect our environment. There’s a famous quote that reads “Try to Leave the World a Better Place Than When You Arrived.” This, in a nutshell, is what Zip Xpress does every single day!
Whether your manufacturing company specializes in robotics, batteries, furniture, conveyors or conveyor systems, Zip Xpress wants to network with you to get your products where they need to go! They’re watching out for you, and know that all who participate in the manufacturing industry are part of one big team who rely on each other.
The professional team at Zip Xpress has provided a superior overall experience for Michigan shippers since August of 2001. They have the knowledge and expertise to ensure that all of that sensitive machinery will arrive undamaged, and on time as scheduled. Their premier Blanket Wrap Service is a great investment when considering the transport of fragile products and equipment that must be handled and moved in a delicate manner. Some of the highlights of the Blanket Wrap Service offered by Zip Xpress include the following:
- 15 Years of successful Blanket Wrap LTL service
- All Blanket Wrap is direct door-to-door delivery
- Clean 100% air-ride logistic trailers
- Appointment delivery available
- All pieces labeled and identified
- Professionally trained freight handlers
- Team service available
Additionally, Zip Xpress Inc. is one of the few time-specific LTL carriers providing commercial LTL Blanket Wrap service to markets in the West Coast, Southwest, Southeast, East Coast, and New England. Give them a call at 800-889-8583 or go to their website and click the Start Today Button!