Logistics can be a demanding profession, and everybody involved in the supply chain is aware of the importance of staying on schedule and meeting performance goals. However, the issue of safety is often overlooked unfortunately. This is a major mistake, whether it’s a driver, a warehouse worker, or a supply chain manager neglecting to perform their due diligence. With a polar vortex bringing freezing temperatures and dangerous driving conditions to the Midwest and parts of the Northeast, we should look at what we can do to ensure that drivers are staying safe on the road.
Drivers themselves should make it a point to practice the basic rules of safety while driving. Minimize any distractions during transit and make sure to only take calls or read text messages when not driving. They should also get their truck tuned up regularly and address any issues that need to be fixed. Minor maintenance problems may seem like they can be pushed off, but whether or not a disaster is avoided can often be a matter of mere seconds, so it is vital to make sure that everything is working as best as it can.
Regular maintenance will better prepare a truck to handle sub-zero temperatures, but drivers should prepare themselves as well. This means packing a bag with extra winter clothes for any trip that will travel through winter weather. Drivers should also familiarize themselves with all emergency outposts and points of contact in the regions in which they are driving. Paying attention to dangerous conditions ahead of time may allow the driver to re-route their trip and avoid hazardous situations.
Drivers aren’t the only ones that should be paying attention to safety. Shippers and manufacturers should also be aware of the weather across the country so that they can adjust their expectations when a storm may hit. Nobody wants their shipment to be late, but it is far more important to ensure that it arrives in one piece rather than pushing for an on-time delivery in impossible conditions. Everyone involved in the supply chain needs to understand the human aspect of the work involved – this will help all parties maintain a fair level of understanding and will ultimately lead to a more successful business relationship. To learn about how we pay attention to the human side of the supply chain, start today with Zip Xpress!