2019 has been another great year for freight, and there is much to prepare for as we enter its final months. The fourth quarter is always interesting, but it can be especially hectic in the logistics world. Although most companies start planning their holiday shipments and inventory in the middle of the summer, there are always a few surprises during the holiday months, and the stress that comes with those surprises can be mitigated by working with an effective and committed logistics provider. It’s important for manufacturers and transportation providers to set their expectations for the next few months but to also be flexible, as there will certainly be some unexpected snags along the way.
Manufacturing is still going strong and the fourth quarter promises to keep freight moving. As companies review their quarterly/annual budgets, they’ll likely to move forward with large capital purchases, which means freight will keep moving. For manufacturers that are looking to make their operations more efficient, consider opting into our partial and consolidated shipments. When it comes to planning out a leaner supply chain, be sure to work with a carrier that is experienced in customizing your carrier solutions. The fourth quarter is a hive of activity for everyone in the logistics world, but with careful planning everyone’s shipments can be delivered on time.
At Zip Xpress, we understand the challenges inherent with getting product to the customer on time but we ensure that every delivery will be made on time with respect to our schedule, regardless of the season. We also offer our headload solution and optimized shipping, which means we can handle all of our customer’s freight needs. We understand the challenges of shipping in the fourth quarter, but we’re planners and work to ensure every shipment gets to where it needs to go on time, every time. To see for yourself and finish the year strong, start today with Zip Xpress!