Give Me a Break – Preventing Burnout in Logistics

As the world economy becomes more globalized and technology brings everything closer, the international market has essentially become a 24/7 operation. This is especially true on the logistics side of things, where a delay hundreds of miles away could spell disaster in a completely different time zone. Workers in the logistics sector are often on-call and expected to tackle challenges at all times of day because freight, quite simply, doesn’t stop. While hard work comes with the territory, logistics workers must be careful that they don’t end up burning out from spreading themselves too thin.

Everyone from truck drivers to accounting clerks in the logistics realms can work long hours and take on grueling tasks. But no matter what position you might hold, you should be mindful of your personal life and remember to take a step back every now and then. Don’t be afraid of taking a vacation – companies shouldn’t stigmatize you for using your hard-earned time off. In fact, a vacation can be the perfect way to escape the day-to-day stress of logistics and return to work with a fresher, more positive outlook.

If you feel yourself burning out and a vacation isn’t yet in the cards, there are smaller ways to relieve your frustrations. Even a lunch break can be a welcome change of pace. This means leaving the office and sitting down somewhere for at least a half hour. We often forget to enjoy our meals, instead rushing them back to our desk where we work and eat at the same time. After work, try to set aside at least a few hours to stay off your phone and away from your computer – this way you won’t have to think about potential problems before you fall asleep.

At Zip Xpress, we understand that burnout is a very real problem in corporate America, and the logistics industry can be highly unforgiving. Still, it is vital to take a breath and remember that you have a life to live. We try to create a culture that helps people when they need it, celebrates small victories and are always searching for ways to add enjoyment to our work. We understand that small, personal victories throughout the day can help you get through even the most hectic and stressful times because we need creative solutions to these complex problems. To see how our talented employees can provide solutions to your shipping problems, start today with Zip Xpress!

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