Driving in traffic can be stressful, but consider the pressure put on truck drivers! These licensed professionals drive all day, often spending weeks on the road and dealing with traffic jams on a regular basis. Unfortunately, many drivers aren’t very respectful of the trucks on the road, and we believe it boils down to a simple lack of awareness. Not everyone realizes how much work goes into driving a truck, nor do they realize that we cannot treat trucks like other cars. There are some rules that one must follow in the event you find yourself next to a large tractor-trailer.
The most important tip to remember is to give the truck plenty of space, no matter how much traffic you are in. Trucks have enormous blind spots. Even though drivers are trained at using mirrors to check their surroundings, it is still always better to play it safe. Don’t follow a truck too closely, and try to avoid being in a position to the side of a truck for too long. Most importantly, never cut in front of a truck without leaving at least 3 car lengths between you and the truck. Wait until you see both headlights in your rearview mirror when merging back onto the right hand lane. These large machines need a lot more time to brake safely, and cutting too close in front of them could spell disaster for you, especially if you are in a position to have to slam on your brakes.
In addition to driving safely, you should always drive respectfully. You may be slightly inconvenienced by sitting behind a truck in traffic, but remember that there is a real person driving that truck and that these drivers help to keep our economy moving along. When you realize that you are sharing the road with a hard worker who is trying to do a job, you will be more inclined to drive smarter and safer.
At Zip Xpress, we understand the hard work these dedicated professionals put in in order to ensure freight gets delivered undamaged and on time. Our goal is to raise awareness for the hard work drivers put in and to encourage readers to share this awareness with others so that together we can help keep everyone on the road safe. To see how we can put such dedication behind your projects, start today with Zip Xpress!