It’s no secret that truck drivers have been on the front lines through the entirety of the COVID-19 pandemic. With the country beginning to open up more drivers will be returning to their offices which means more cars on the road. This will have adverse impacts in an area most Americans already know we need to fix: our nation’s infrastructure. Without an updated and modernized infrastructure, the country will be in serious trouble. Fortunately, infrastructure reform is quickly becoming the forefront issue for the nation and while we must wait for Washington to determine next steps, many issues exist in the private sector.
Infrastructure is the backbone of the nation, and with truck drivers serving as the backbone of the nation’s supply chain, it’s imperative to reform the methods companies have used to ship their products. Dedicating an entire truckload to a single shipment that doesn’t fill the entire trailer is a waste of fuel, space in the trailer and damages infrastructure by keeping more trucks than necessary on the road. With businesses being forced to evaluate their operations due to the pandemic, now would be a great time to consider optimizing their shipments through a trusted carrier and ensuring they’re not paying for unused air space.
At Zip Xpress, our headload solution is a prime example of how we help companies optimize their shipments. By optimizing every shipment, we prevent wasted space and allow fewer trucks to be on the road, which reduces wear and tear on our national infrastructure. We can also show how a company contributes to this mission through our carbon footprint report, providing companies with concrete evidence of their efforts toward sustainability. Infrastructure reform will take time, but we all have a part to play and there’s a lot to do in the meantime. To see how you can build your own sustainable custom carrier solution, start today with Zip Xpress!