Logistics: A Promising Field For Young Professionals

There is absolutely no doubt that a successful and rewarding career can be found in the field of logistics. While it may not be the first choice for a lot of young professionals, that viewpoint is likely to change in the coming years, thanks to a recent survey conducted by Korn Ferry and Penske logistics. In this survey, there were many eye-opening findings, one of which stated that 99% of professionals aged 30 and younger say that working in supply chain is a quality career choice. It is reasonable to state that there are few other sectors which have such a high rating as a career choice, especially by a younger generation.

Another great finding is that 58% of respondents are pursuing a career in supply chain due to its beneficial societal impact delivering essential goods. Now this was during the height of 2020, however this is a steep increase from previous years, where respondents who believed supply chain careers were providing a societal beneficial impact didn’t reach 20%. If nothing else, the past few years have shown up and coming generations the importance of logistics and how valuable of a sector it is to the American economy. Instilling a sense of mission and importance like this will be crucial in bringing about change in the logistics industry, especially as we face so many challenges ahead.

With such optimism, the logistics industry can begin focusing on the issues that matter most. Sustainable packaging or better yet, the elimination of unnecessary packaging. Reducing carbon emissions from trucks as well as freight optimization to consolidate shipments and eliminate unnecessary full truckload shipments. These challenges will require a ‘can-do’ attitude and with so many promising candidates in the supply chain, there is no doubt that many of these will be accomplished.

Here at Zip Xpress, we understand the importance of mission and purpose. We have a few ourselves – sustainability efforts, providing better service to customers, and optimizing shipments. All of our efforts are directed towards accomplishing these and we’re lucky to have a great team in place that believes in all of our efforts. We believe that any problem can be solved because we have the right people in place, ready and willing to help. To see for yourself, start today with Zip Xpress!
