A Carrier that Cares

One of the values that we have worked our hardest to cultivate here at Zip Xpress is caring. Our aspiration is that every one of our stakeholders knows that we care for them and will do whatever it takes to make them successful. We know that there are few other companies doing the same thing. With everyone rushing to fulfill orders, it can take a toll. Customers and employees become treated as dispensable and that is unacceptable to us. Our goal is to create a higher standard, first for ourselves and then for the industry as a whole. 

When it comes to our customers, we show we care by providing a remarkable shipping experience. We want all of our customers to feel like their shipments were handled with proper care and attention. We go the extra mile with our blanket wrap and headload solutions, providing additional protection and minimizing the handling of every shipment. We also ensure that every customer can get a hold of us through the phone. Here at Zip Xpress, you will always speak with a person, never an answering machine and everyone is willing to pitch in with whatever you need. We schedule pickups and deliveries with both you and your customers, working on a schedule that works for you. This takes a lot of guesswork out of the process, and makes shipping simpler for you. Finally, no matter what problems you’re facing, we’ll find a custom carrier solution that works for you and your business. We will get your shipment to its destination on time and undamaged. Period.

For our staff, we strive to meet all of their needs by creating a supportive, welcoming environment where everyone is treated with the utmost respect. Everyone within Zip Xpress plays an important role and you will be greeted with warmth every time you come to work. All ideas are welcome when it comes to solving problems, because we know that everyone has a great idea to contribute. Our systems and processes were designed with our associates in mind, to make their lives easier, more efficient and help them become more effective supply chain specialists. We also maintain a very clean campus, one that associates can take pride in because they all pitch in to keep it clean. Nobody should be forced to work around clutter and we believe our associates deserve a work environment that is efficient, clean and precise. Finally our dedication to service will leave you feeling that everyone cares about you, as much as we care about the customers we serve.

Here at Zip Xpress, we understand the importance of caring. Whether it’s for our employees or our customers, we care deeply about all of our stakeholders. We don’t do this for accolades or recognition, we do this because it’s the right thing to do. When you strive for excellence, you must dedicate yourself to those who make it all possible. Whether you’re looking for a dynamic place to work in a field that holds limitless opportunities, or you’re looking to make sure your next shipment arrives on time and undamaged, Zip Xpress can help you. To see for yourself, start today with Zip Xpress!

How a Trusted Carrier Help Can Grow Your Business

As manufacturers secure more inventory and prepare for the coming months of production, they are no doubt preparing for new seasons of growth for their business. The past few years have also proven that a trusted carrier is not simply a support function for the business, but a true partner that can help grow the company and has a vested interest in your success. 

One way carriers help grow a shipper’s business is by ensuring that shipments arrive on time and undamaged. This helps build trust with customers since they will receive their shipments when they’re expecting them, which helps build trust. Reliability and predictability is at a premium right now and customers who receive their orders on time are far more likely to order from the same company again.

Another way carriers can create growth is by helping their customers understand and assist with procurement & demand forecasting for production. All of these activities hit hard on the bottom line and a lack of preparation in these areas can cause costs to spin out of control very quickly. On top of that, there is a vast amount of ‘form management’ that it’s best to let supply chain specialists handle, especially in regional logistics. Working with a trusted carrier will reduce costs and the time spent from your team trying to ‘figure out’ those forms and forecasts. 

The final area a carrier can help with growth is to assist in developing your sourcing strategies  which can also have a primary benefit to your business by finding better quality materials for your products. Different suppliers may even develop an innovative design that makes your products function better. Both of these activities lead to real growth, something that you would never have found anywhere else. These relationships are crucial in helping your business grow, no matter what the circumstances may be.

Here at Zip Xpress, we understand the importance of helping our customers grow their business. We establish a dynamic relationship with our customers and their customers, scheduling pickup and delivery on a timetable that works for everyone involved. Our friendly drivers are also key in creating that crucial interaction that builds trust with our customers. We also dedicate ourselves to solving all of your complex problems and no matter the circumstances, we have a custom carrier solution that will help grow your business. Want to see for yourself? Then start today with Zip Xpress!

Supply Chain Professional Development

If there was ever a field that offers remarkable opportunities for a successful and rewarding career, that would be a career in the logistics field. As supply chain management becomes more and more specialized, professionals of all ages will find a plethora of opportunities available to them when it comes to developing their career. Here we offer a few key skills that are crucial for success in this field – no matter your position in the field.

Problem Solving

Whether a customer’s problems involve how to get a shipment to its destination on time and undamaged, how to pack a trailer effectively, or assisting with a localized sourcing plan, there is no shortage of problem solving opportunities available. The best problem solvers approach this with the customer in mind, providing them with the best possible solutions to their problems. Collaboration is also an invaluable skill involved in problem solving since multiple ideas can help find the best solution. 


Communication skills are vital to success in the logistics field. Being able to communicate with customers about successes, delays, and difficulties is crucial in building a relationship with every member of the supply chain. Logistics is a field that is built upon relationships and honesty is a central component to those relationships. If companies cannot trust one another, then the supply chain can fall apart. It is never worth covering up with a white lie. Trust is far too valuable when it comes to managing a customer’s shipments.


While some say that innovation cannot be taught, we believe otherwise. Innovation is not always about technological improvements. Sometimes innovation involves developing ways of helping the customer, creating more efficient processes or ways to keep the campus clean. Technology helps, but it’s not the only means of improving a company. Focusing on helping customers, drivers and other members of the organization is just as, if not more valuable in the long run. Innovation is about making things better for an organization and creating a dynamic work environment for everyone.

Here at Zip Xpress, we understand the importance of professional development. While the outlined skills above may seem cliche, their importance cannot be overstated. These are all skills that can be learned and developed by every member of the organization, showing that everyone can contribute to our value as a company. These skills are an ongoing process of development here at Zip Xpress and it’s why we’re able to maintain a 99% satisfaction rate with all of our customers and focus on creating an exceptional company culture. If you know someone who wants to further their career in the logistics industry, please let us know. To see how our incredible employees can create a custom carrier solution that is right for your business, start today with Zip Xpress!

Headload Optimization: The Ideal Shipping Solution

As rejection rates begin shifting in favor of shippers, these businesses will find themselves having a surplus of options when it comes to selecting their carrier of choice for future shipments. Yet for all of these options, shippers will still have to navigate a field of fuel prices, individual carrier capacity and driver capacity. Businesses will need to continue evaluating their shipping solutions to determine the best fit for them.

While on the face, it would seem that hiring a carrier for a full truckload shipment is the best option for a lot of companies, there is the hidden cost of wasted fuel and at a time with record high fuel prices, this is a strategy with diminishing returns. Companies will be forced to raise prices just to keep buying fuel if they wish to stay in business. Procuring a full truckload when you don’t need a full truckload of freight also contributes to tightening capacity, which has made load board prices skyrocket over the past few years. It’s difficult to exactly how much availability exists for full truckloads for the foreseeable future.

Less than truckload (LTL) is an alternative strategy for shipping your goods, however this strategy can be very expensive since this can oftentimes cost as much (if not more) than a full truckload depending on the carrier. There are also numerous other nuances associated with LTL, such as tariffs that can make managing a shipment difficult for a shipper. For most other carriers, there is excessive handling involved, which increases the chance of damaging shipments. Fortunately, there is a solution we’ve created that has always proven to be one of the best options in getting shipments to their destination on time and undamaged.

We here at Zip Xpress utilize the Headload Optimization Solution. With this solution companies only pay for the space they use in the trailer. We’re also able to coordinate your shipments with your customer and develop a shipping schedule that works for your business. Our shipment delivery schedules can also tell you exactly when your shipment will be delivered so you will always know when to expect delivery. Finally, our model reduces the handling of all shipments by 75% or more, which dramatically reduces any chance of your shipments being damaged under our care. Taken together, this offers shippers the best of all worlds as they navigate capacity challenges to get their shipments to their destination.

Here at Zip Xpress, we understand the importance of creating solutions for all of the shippers we have the privilege of working with. Our headload solution is one of our primary solutions, however we can provide blanket wrap, expedited services or any number of other solutions as well. No matter what problems you’re facing, we have a custom carrier solution that will work for your business. Our experience in optimizing shipments spans over 20 years and has earned us a 99% satisfaction rating from all of our customers. Want to see for yourself? Then start today with Zip Xpress!