Working in logistics can be fast-paced and exciting, but many people forget about the administrative tasks that take place throughout the life of every shipment. However, these back-office jobs are highly important and should be treated as such. It is vital to take a look at administrative tasks, and that includes keeping a clean office in order to streamline operations and keep everyone on the same page.
Cleanliness is often underappreciated, but we at Zip Xpress make it point to run a well-organized office. We saw that organization was not a priority for many other logistics companies, and they noticed that this led to mixed up orders, late shipments, and even lost freight. Our focus emphasized a strong work ethic in our employees, and that included focusing on organization and cleanliness. This starts with even the smallest things – finding consistent homes for supplies such as staplers, documents, and pens – and it begins to translate to organizational skills at higher levels.
As people learn to reduce administrative waste, they become more efficient and can focus on improving supply chain operations on a daily basis. Our internal phrase ‘Being Current’ is a major benefit to eliminating waste, as it allows other workers to come in and take over seamlessly without needing to backtrack or find old documents to catch up. When everyone is operating at maximum efficiency, the company will perform better as a whole.
With technology always improving and cloud services becoming the norm, organizations should use services like Google Docs to reduce paper waste. Some industries, such as logistics, require at least one physical copy of documents, but you shouldn’t have to go any further than that. Sticking to one original and keeping backups in the cloud help to reduce unnecessary printing of paper and contribute to a more productive atmosphere. To learn more about what we do to remain sustainable, get started with Zip Xpress today!