We at Zip Xpress pride ourselves on being innovative pioneers in the area of sustainability in trucking. As our Sales Director, Roxanne Spetoskey, says, “Sustainability to me is doing something within your company to not only sustain your own business, but to sustain the businesses around you.” We recognize that sustainability goes beyond just our doors, and that’s why our focus is on learning not only what we can do within our company to be more sustainable, but what we can do within your company to help you be more sustainable.
Our company is built around eliminating wasteful partial trailers. The way we function on our campus means we are doing everything we possibly can to avoid adding to the massive problem of partial trailers on our highways. Our professional freight handlers are some of the best in the country, and each is specifically trained and empowered to professionally consolidate and compile shipments to maximize trailer capacity.

Because we work to ensure that our trailers are loaded to their maximum efficient capacity, while also obeying the wishes of our customers, we reduce the number of drivers needed to ship the same amount of product as other companies.
Because our system incorporates sustainability at every step, we also recognize that it’s about creating jobs. As Zip Xpress our number-one thing is to create more jobs. As an example, if (a company) were to ship a one-bill truckload from Michigan to California, with our optimization process we bring in local pick-up and delivery drivers … we bring in billers … we bring in our professional freight handlers and, of course, our own Road Pilots. That creates jobs, versus sending “dead air” in a trailer down the road. The client is paying for that air, and you really don’t need to.” We work hard to make sure we create jobs in Michigan, to not only sustain our company but to revitalize the Michigan economy.